Arcane  v3.16.0.0
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Exemple d'utilisation de fonctions C# pour le jeu de données

Ce répertoire contient un exemple d'utilisation de fonctions C# pour le jeu de données.

Fichier CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21 FATAL_ERROR)
project(UserFunction LANGUAGES C CXX)
find_package(Arcane REQUIRED)
add_executable(UserFunction UserFunction_axl.h)
target_include_directories(UserFunction PUBLIC . ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
configure_file(UserFunction.config ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COPYONLY)
# Command to compile C# file for functions
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ExternalFunctions.dll"
COMMAND ${ARCANE_PREFIX_DIR}/bin/arcane_dotnet_compile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ExternalFunctions.cs"
DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ExternalFunctions.cs"
add_custom_target(external_functions DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ExternalFunctions.dll")
add_dependencies(UserFunction external_functions)
# Add a test to run the sample
add_test(NAME userfunction1 COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/UserFunction -A,UsingDotNet=1 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UserFunction.arc)
-*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8-with-signature -*-

Fichier ExternalFunctions.cs

using System;
using Arcane;
using Real = System.Double;
namespace UserFunctionSample
public class CaseFunctions
Real3 m_origin;
// Constructor to initialize instance
public CaseFunctions()
m_origin = new Real3(0.2,0.3,0.0);
// User Function.
public Real3 NodeVelocityFunc(Real global_time,Real3 position)
Real3 delta = position - m_origin;
Real dx = delta.x;
Real dy = delta.y;
Real dz = delta.z;
Real norm = 0.3 * System.Math.Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
Real vx = global_time * norm * dx;
Real vy = global_time * norm * dy;
Real vz = global_time * norm * dz;
return new Real3(vx,vy,vz);
Classe gérant un vecteur de réel de dimension 3.
Definition Real3.h:132
double Real
Type représentant un réel.
Real y
deuxième composante du triplet
Definition Real3.h:36
Real z
troisième composante du triplet
Definition Real3.h:37
Real x
première composante du triplet
Definition Real3.h:35


// -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8-with-signature -*-
// Copyright 2000-2023 CEA ( IFPEN (
// See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <arcane/launcher/ArcaneLauncher.h>
using namespace Arcane;
main(int argc,char* argv[])
auto& app_build_info = ArcaneLauncher::applicationBuildInfo();
static int run()
Point d'entrée de l'exécutable dans Arcane.
static void init(const CommandLineArguments &args)
Positionne les informations à partir des arguments de la ligne de commande et initialise le lanceur.
static ApplicationBuildInfo & applicationBuildInfo()
Informations sur les paramêtre d'exécutions de l'application.
Arguments de la ligne de commande.
Informations sur une version.
Definition VersionInfo.h:46

Fichier UserFunction.arc

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<case codename="UserFunction" xml:lang="en" codeversion="1.0">
<!-- You can use a file instead of a generator using the element
<filename>/path/to/the/file</filename> instead of <generator/> -->
<generator name="Cartesian2D" >
<origin>0.0 0.0</origin>
<node-velocity function="NodeVelocityFunc">0.0 0.0 0.0</node-velocity>

Fichier UserFunction.axl

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<module name="UserFunction" version="1.0">
<description>Description of the module UserFunction</description>
<entry-point method-name="compute" name="Compute" where="compute-loop" property="none" />
<entry-point method-name="startInit" name="StartInit" where="start-init" property="none" />
<simple name="node-velocity" type="real3" />
<variable name="CellCenter" field-name="cell_center" data-type="real3" dim="0" item-kind="cell" />
<variable name="NodeVelocity" field-name="node_velocity" data-type="real3" dim="0" item-kind="node" />

Fichier UserFunction.config

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<arcane-config code-name="UserFunction">
<time-loop name="UserFunctionLoop">
<description>Default timeloop for code UserFunction</description>
<module name="UserFunction" need="required" />
<module name="ArcanePostProcessing" need="required" />
<entry-points where="init">
<entry-point name="UserFunction.StartInit" />
<entry-points where="compute-loop">
<entry-point name="UserFunction.Compute" />


// -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8-with-signature -*-
// Copyright 2000-2023 CEA ( IFPEN (
// See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* (C) 2000-2023 */
/* */
/* Module d'exemple pour les fonctions utilisateur. */
#include <arcane/utils/Real3.h>
#include <arcane/core/ITimeLoopMng.h>
#include <arcane/core/IMesh.h>
#include <arcane/core/ICaseFunction.h>
#include <arcane/core/IStandardFunction.h>
#include "UserFunction_axl.h"
using namespace Arcane;
//! Module UserFunction.
class UserFunctionModule
: public ArcaneUserFunctionObject
explicit UserFunctionModule(const ModuleBuildInfo& mbi)
: ArcaneUserFunctionObject(mbi)
//! Method called at each iteration
void compute() override;
//! Method called at the beginning of the execution
void startInit() override;
//! Version of the module
VersionInfo versionInfo() const override { return VersionInfo(1, 0, 0); }
IBinaryMathFunctor<Real, Real3, Real3>* m_node_velocity_functor = nullptr;
void UserFunctionModule::
info() << "Module UserFunction COMPUTE";
// Stop code after 10 iterations
if (m_global_iteration() > 10)
// Loop over the cells and compute the center of each cell
VariableNodeReal3& nodes_coordinates = defaultMesh()->nodesCoordinates();
ENUMERATE_ (Cell, icell, allCells()) {
Cell cell = *icell;
Real3 cell_center = Real3::zero();
// Iteration over nodes of the cell
for (Node node : cell.nodes()) {
cell_center += nodes_coordinates[node];
cell_center /= cell.nbNode();
m_cell_center[icell] = cell_center;
// Compute NodeVelocity using external function
const Real current_time = m_global_time();
ENUMERATE_ (Node, inode, allNodes()) {
Real3 position = nodes_coordinates[inode];
m_node_velocity[inode] = m_node_velocity_functor->apply(current_time, position);
// Move nodes
const Real current_deltat = m_global_deltat();
ENUMERATE_ (Node, inode, allNodes()) {
nodes_coordinates[inode] += m_node_velocity[inode] * current_deltat;
void UserFunctionModule::
info() << "Module UserFunction INIT";
// Check we have user function for node velocity
ICaseFunction* opt_function = options()->nodeVelocity.function();
IStandardFunction* scf = options()->nodeVelocity.standardFunction();
if (!scf)
ARCANE_FATAL("No standard case function for option 'node-velocity'");
auto* functor = scf->getFunctorRealReal3ToReal3();
if (!functor)
ARCANE_FATAL("Standard function '{0}' is not convertible to f(Real,Real3) -> Real3", opt_function->name());
m_node_velocity_functor = functor;
#define ARCANE_FATAL(...)
Macro envoyant une exception FatalErrorException.
#define ENUMERATE_(type, name, group)
Enumérateur générique d'un groupe d'entité
Maille d'un maillage.
Definition Item.h:1191
Interface d'une fonction mathématique binaire.
virtual String name() const =0
nom de la fonction
Interface gérant une fonction standard.
NodeConnectedListViewType nodes() const
Liste des noeuds de l'entité
Definition Item.h:782
Int32 nbNode() const
Nombre de noeuds de l'entité
Definition Item.h:776
Informations pour construire un module.
Noeud d'un maillage.
Definition Item.h:573
constexpr __host__ __device__ Real3 & assign(Real ax, Real ay, Real az)
Affecte à l'instance le triplet (ax,ay,az)
Definition Real3.h:204
MeshVariableScalarRefT< Node, Real3 > VariableNodeReal3
Grandeur au noeud de type coordonnées.